E-book FAQ

Is it possible to read these e-books on my computer?

Yes! Our e-books come as Adobe PDF files, which means you can read them on any computer that can read PDF files. Most computers already come with software for reading PDF files pre-installed. If your computer does not have a PDF reader installed, you can download Adobe’s Acrobat Reader for free here.

Will my e-book work with my mobile device?

Because Judy’s e-books are Adobe PDF files, you can read them on most mobile devices! We have provided installation guides for many of the most popular phones, tablets, and eReaders. Choose your device from the drop-down menu under “Installation Guides” for more information.

Can I print templates from my book?

​Yes! If you need to use a template from any of the patterns, please print those pages out from your desktop computer. Just be sure the pages are set to 100% scale.

If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us at support@judymartinebooks.com

Installation Instructions

Installing your e-book on your Apple device just takes a few easy steps.

1. Download the PDF file to your computer
Even if you plan on only reading your e-book on your mobile device, this is an important step. This will make the installation process easier, and storing a version on your desktop computer allows you to keep a backup of the file. Once you make your purchase through our website, you will receive an email with a download link.

2. Sync the PDF file to your device
Apple's website provides a detailed set of instructions for syncing PDF files to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch here.

3. Important Note About Printing
If you need to use a template from any of the patterns, please print those pages out from your desktop computer. Just be sure the pages are set to 100% scale.Any questions? Feel free to contact us at support@judymartinebooks.com

Installing your e-book on your Android device just takes a few easy steps.

1. Download the PDF file to your computer
Even if you plan on only reading your e-book on your mobile device, this is an important step, since storing a version on your desktop computer allows you to keep a backup of the file. Once you make your purchase through our website, you will receive an email with a download link.

2. Download the PDF file on your device
Open up the email with your download code and download the PDF to your device. If the email was sent to a different email address than the one synced with your device, you can simply forward the email to the correct one.

If you no longer have access to the download link, you can transfer the file to your device from your computer. For Windows users, you can follow these instructions detailed on Android Central. For those of you on a Mac, you can use Android's own File Transfer app, which can be downloaded here.
3. Open the e-book using your preferred PDF Reader
Once you have transferred your e-book to your Android device, you can open the file using your preferred app for opening PDF files. If you do not have a PDF Reader installed, we recommend using Adobe Acrobat Reader, which you can download here through Google Play.

4. Important Note About Printing
If you need to use a template from any of the patterns, please print those pages out from your desktop computer. Just be sure the pages are set to 100% scale.

Any questions? Feel free to contact us at support@judymartinebooks.com

Please be aware that while all Kindle devices support PDF files, Judy's e-books work best on color devices such as the Kindle Fire.

1. Download the PDF file to your computer
Even if you plan on only reading your e-book on your mobile device, this is an important step, since storing a version on your desktop computer allows you to keep a backup of the file. Once you make your purchase through our website, you will receive an email with a download link.

2. Transfer the PDF file to your device
To get your eBook onto your device, you may transfer the file to your Kindle using a USB cable. Amazon covers this process in detail on their website here. Simply select your device from the list to learn about how to transfer your eBook.

Once the transfer is complete, simply open up the e-book on your Kindle device and get quilting!

3. Important Note About Printing
If you need to use a template from any of the patterns, please print those pages out from your desktop computer. Just be sure the pages are set to 100% scale.

Any questions? Feel free to contact us at support@judymartinebooks.com

Please be aware that while all Nook devices support PDF files, Judy's e-books work best on color devices such as the Nook Tablet.

1. Download the PDF file to your computer
Even if you plan on only reading your e-book on your mobile device, this is an important step, since storing a version on your desktop computer allows you to keep a backup of the file. Once you make your purchase through our website, you will receive an email with a download link.

2. Transfer the PDF file to your device
To get your e-book onto your device, you can transfer the file to your device using a USB cable. For eReaders such as the Nook Glowlight, just follow these instructions from Barnes & Noble's website:

  1.  Connect your NOOK GlowLight Plus to your computer with the microUSB cable that came with the device.

2.  Your NOOK GlowLight Plus will appear on your PC as a removable drive.

Please note: To transfer files from a Mac, you must first install the Android File Transfer application on your computer.  Once this application is installed, your NOOK will be recognized by your Mac and you can use Android File Transfer to transfer the files from your computer.  To get the most recent version of Android File Transfer, please visit https://www.android.com/filetransfer.

3.  Locate the PDF file to transfer on your computer.  To easily locate file locations, access your Adobe Digital Edition Library then right-click a book cover and click on "Show File in Explorer" (Windows users) or "Show File in Finder" (Mac users).

4.  Copy the file to your NOOK GlowLight Plus into the sub-folder "My Files."

5.  On your NOOK GlowLight Plus, go to Library, select "My Files" and open the newly transferred file.

Transferring your e-book onto your Nook Tablet or Nook Color follows a similar procedure, as detailed here:

1. Using the custom microUSB cable provided with your NOOK, connect your NOOK to your personal computer.

​2. When you connect your NOOK to your personal computer, your NOOK will appear as a new disk drive called MyNOOK on your personal computer. Drag the files you want to transfer onto the MyNOOK drive.

​NOTE: If you connect your NOOK to a Windows PC, the PC might display a dialog box asking if you want to install a driver for a NOOK. Click Cancel to close this dialog box. You do not need to install a special driver to transfer files to your NOOK.

Once you are done transferring, simply eject the MyNOOK drive from your computer and disconnect the microUSB cord. You are all set!

3. Important Note About Printing
If you need to use a template from any of the patterns, please print those pages out from your desktop computer. Just be sure the pages are set to 100% scale.

Any questions? Feel free to contact us at support@judymartinebooks.com